life health prosperity

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Shell Shock

Ok, maybe "sperm shock" would be a better term. About 2 -3 weeks ago, my husband and I basically decided in concrete that, yes, we were done having kids and he would begin research on having a vasectomy. Well, Sunday as he sat researching the procedure(s) and different doctors in our area, little did we know that we were just about 6 weeks behind in the game.

Monday morning, I decided to slip into the bathroom as he got ready for work and take a pregnancy test, fully expecting it to turn out as all the dozens of others have over the last 8 years . . . negative. Imagine my surprise, when I look down to see not just one vertical line, but two. Yes, it tested positive, and my shock began. Poor hubby, I couldn't bring myself to spring THAT one on him on his way out the door. So all day long, I prayed, I fretted, I worried, and prayed some more. I wrote him a note, knowing that with my emotions, I'd never get it all out before breaking into tears, and waited until he arrived home that evening before breaking the news to him that, this fall, Joshua -our only son, would not be an only child any more.

Yesterday, I went to our family doctor and Rob joined me to ask any questions he might have. The doc said I was in fine health and didn't forsee any problems with the pregnancy. That was a relief to both my husband and I.

Ya see, I'm overweight, and have just recently been doing better about taking some of the excess poundage off. Now to find out I'm pregnant, we thought that would basically undo anything we've already worked on. Not so . . . I will continue to do the exercises I have planned, and eat healthier, like we have been. I just won't cut the carbs as drastically as planned, since reading that that wouldn't be good for the baby. However, as I told the doc, I'd really like to be about the weight I am now (172) when I'm 9 months along and just keep loosing the extra that I needed to loose. But if I can even aim for only gaining 10-15 pounds extra, I'd be happy, knowing I'm not tipping that 200 mark again. AND I WILL lose it all and get to my goal weight before my 39th birthday. THAT is my goal.

As the pregnancy progresses, I'll post my thoughts, physical changes, and anything else that floats through my prego brain, as that may be the only way it doesn't get lost or forgotten. ;-D

Today was the first day that I got a slight bout of "morning sickness" even though it was this afternoon. Not too bad, but BOY do I hate throwing up. I think the little "fish" crackers are going to be my friends, at least for a few weeks.

We aren't the only 2 walking around in shock either. Our son Josh, is rather nervous about the whole thing, and worries about my health as much as anything else. Bless his sweet heart. But I know God is in control, and I'll trust Him to give me the common sense and the wisdom through this pregnancy to keep us all healthy.

Bye for now,

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