life health prosperity

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dear Isabella,

The day I found out you were already growing inside was a shock to say the least. For the next 10 weeks I fought to keep some food down as your body and mine adjusted to one another. There were tears of fear, joy, and hormones. :) At 38, all the warnings and risks from studies and in general were taking a toll, not to mention just the downright surprise of being pregnant after 13+ years.

At week 20, the first ultrasound I had gave proof to the hope that had been growing. You are indeed a girl. Something I had hoped for since I was little - to have a son to be a Godly young man and big brother to a little girl, whom I hoped to teach to be a Godly young woman. When the ultrasound tech pronounced female, tears formed in my eyes of happiness knowing a dream was coming to pass. For the next 4 months, I've had to have ultrasounds each month to make sure you are on target for growth and nutrition, because of the Single Umbilical Artery. You see, instead of 2 arteries and 1 vein in the umbilical cord, there is only 1 artery and they want to make sure that it is still providing for you and the placenta adequately. Every single time they have checked, you have grown just the right amount and are doing fine. I am proud of you already.

I got a little nervous between weeks 18 and 22 when everything I read said that I should be feeling you move already. I think you like to NOT be noticed so much :) You sink into my back and give the techs and nurses fits when they try to get your picture or heartbeat on the monitors. I didn't knowingly feel you move til around week 24. But you haven't stopped since. There are days you're more quiet, but that's ok. The next day you usually make up for it.

The ultrasound tech, for July's pictures told us you were 5 lbs 1 oz, give or take 12 oz. lol - that's quite a bit, but even still your right on track. The month before, she had showed us all the hair that had shown up in the pictures already. I'm told you should have quite a head of hair.

I've done much better at not overdoing the eating with you and this pregnancy. With your brother, Joshua, I gained a little over 50 lbs. So far with you, I've gained around 23, and only have 4 weeks 5 days to go til your due date on, ironically, Labor Day. You have given my abdominal muscles a workout. Everyday seems like a long stomach crunch. There are times it gets tight enough, not like a contraction though, that I have to sit or lie down to relax.

I had to start Non Stress Testing at week 32 to make sure the placenta is still keeping up, your heart rate is constant and shows activity when surprised and the amniotic fluid is sufficient. You do not seem to like being monitored, or you're gonna be some type of ninja ;) as you are very good at hiding and not being detected. On our last visit to the doctor's office, the CNM and nurses spent about 10 minutes just trying to get your heartbeat found and the receiver placed in position to receive a strong enough signal to register, lol. You definitely keep them on their toes, Bella.

With less than 5 weeks left, we are trying to get things finalized and ready for your arrival. Daddy is preparing to start your cradle. He showed me the final sketches he has just last night. It is adorable, honey, and I can't wait to place you comfortably inside of it to rock you to sleep. We've got the paint color picked out for your room, and Mommy is working on taking off the old wallpaper border to prepare it for primer. Granny is making you some comfy sheets for your cradle and maybe your crib, as well as a bunting bag or two. She brought up a whole bunch of things for you last weekend that I've washed and they are awaiting final placement in your room. Your big brother, Josh, is finally getting excited. I'm not exactly sure what all that entails, but at least I know he's not upset or dreading it. He wasn't exactly thrilled to find out you were a girl. He just hates pink - lol. Oh well, he'll still be a great big brother, I just know it.

I'm nervous, sweetie. Praying that I will be the mother that you and Joshua can look up to, talk to about anything, and that I can guide you the way that I should. That your dad and I will "train you up in the way you should go" as we should and honor the Lord with our fruits, literally.

I am so looking forward to holding you in my arms. You are someone very special, as is your brother. My children, our children, who fill and complete our family. Your name is Isabella, which means 'God is my oath'. It's true - another word for oath is promise. Yes, God is my promise. A promise of joy, happiness, fulfillment, salvation and so much more. And He keeps His promises as well. You were a promise, dear. A promise fulfilled. Your middle name is Sue after your grandmother, my mom. It means lily or rose. So you are also a flowering babe, who will bloom into a gorgeous young woman.

So, Isabella Sue Horton, take your time and finish your growing. Your family is waiting to meet you with open arms and hearts full of love for you.

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